Sunday, November 16, 2008

Holy Traffic Batman...

well, we've arrived & both of us were not expecting this in the least. The taxi from the airport to the hotel was one of the craziest experiences i think we've ever had. It's hot, dusty heaps of fog and so so many people.... Still waiting on some cows to stroll on by, guess we need to head further out of town for that. We got ripped off at the markets buying spices, got a sob story from the dude walking us around.. his 12 maybe 14 (cause the story changed) year old daughter got hit by a truck.. hurt her leg (supposedly) and he has to pay for medicine.. but don't worry, the operations are free... because he works for some dude in the senate or something. Anyway we have a sh*it load of spices now that we can't take through customs coming home. Now, both Ang and I have learnt, we're going to be tough.
Strange looks on the street, heaps of people sleeping on the road and on the footpath. Getting use to it a little, but looking forward to heading to Goa to see Michelle as she is a 'local'.
We have managed to cross the road without getting beeped at, horn friendly is an understatement. Heading to Colaba now by taxi.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Have a fabulous bloody time you two! Enjoy all the craziness it has to offer....remember, this is the real world to so many people! Big Emma